Board Committees
Our standing committees are always looking for dedicated volunteers, and any of board members would be happy to speak with you about how you can get more involved. We also frequently have ad hoc committees which will be announced via organization-wide emails (please confirm that your memberships are active and you’re subscribed to receive emails).
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is tasked with media relations and publications duties, as well as creating graphic and print materials to assist with community and organization engagement. Communications also maintains the website.
Judicial Evaluations Committee
The Judicial Evaluations committee evaluates prospective candidates for judicial appointment. To help with this committee, or if you are applying for appointment to a judicial position and seek a rating from QLaw, email the chair of the Judicial Evaluations Committee.
The JEC is currently being refreshed and reformatted as part of an ongoing effort to best serve our organization member and stakeholders’ needs. We anticipate returning to holding evaluation meetings in early 2025.
Issues & Advocacy Committee
The Issues & Advocacy Committee evaluates current social and legal matters of concern to the LGBTQ+ community, and makes recommendations to QLaw's Board of Directors regarding action steps, messaging, and cooperating with other community partners in amici briefs that fulfill our mission.
Law Student Outreach Committee
This committee maintains relationships with law students, law schools and law faculty, and maintains an active Mentor/Mentee Program.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is responsible for outreach and marketing efforts, maintaining our growing membership database, and coordinating our annual membership drive.
Scholarship Committee
The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to advise the QLaw Board of Directors on the awarding of scholarships. The committee reviews applicants and awards scholarships to qualifying individuals, subject to the availability of funds.
Social & Services Committee
This committee plans and runs many fabulous QLaw social events, such as our quarterly happy hours, annual holiday party, and other gatherings. Community service activities, like the AIDS Walk, have also historically been coordinated through this committee.
Annual Banquet Committee
This committee coordinates all of the tasks necessary to put on QLaw's annual banquet, our biggest event of the year. Serving on the committee is fun and interesting.